
1.10 Open Computers Reactor Program 2017

Hi everyone.

A while back I promised more releases, so here you go: Big Reactors Grid Control is a multi reactor/turbine controller for Big Reactors and Extreme Reactors.

Mission goal: Be the best big reactors controller there is. Nothing more, nothing less.

First things first - here's the website:

NOTE: Due to a bug with OpenOS 1.7.4, BRGC will not  work with that version. Please update to 1.7.5.

Main features

  • Active and passive reactor support
  • Support for multiple reactors and turbines at the same time (n:m)
  • Control active and passive reactors with the same controller
  • Automatic configuration of everything (EVERYTHING!)

Setup instructions

  1. wget the installer from here:
  2. Run it
  3. Done

Big Reactors Grid Control comes with three rc.d files:

  1. /etc/rc.d/brgc_reactor.lua
  2. /etc/rc.d/brgc_turbine.lua
  3. /etc/rc.d/brgc_grid.lua

If you want the controller to run at boot time, you can just use OpenOS' rc.d schema.

There's a GUI as well as a command line utility for advanced users.
To start the gui, simply run "brgc_gui" and watch the magic happen.
The gui scales the screen resolution to match the screens ratio and should scale with basically all screen setups.
I recommend 3x2 or 4x3 screens.

As of now the command line utility allows you to do (almost) everything you can do with the GUI and also allows you to change the controllers configuration at runtime (if you so desire).
Check out "brgcctrl help" for further information.

How to set up the grid

In a basic setup you just interconnect everything:
All active reactors can output steam to all turbines. All passive reactors and turbines output energy to the same grid.
You CAN have passive reactors and turbines output energy to different energy grids.
While this poses absolutely NO problem for passive reactors, you will have to set some turbines to "independent"-mode (more on that below).

If you want your reactors and turbines to properly cooperate, you'll also need to connect at least one energy storage block to your energy grid.
Currently supported storage "blocks" are:

  • EnderIO Capacitors (requires the mod "Computronics")
  • Draconic Evolution Energy Storage multiblocks.
  • RFTools Energy Cells
  • Thermal Expansion Energy Cells
  • Mekanism Induction Matrices

You can connect them using OpenComputers Adapters.

Discovering new components

As mentioned before the controller tries to autoconfigure everything:

Passive Reactors

When a new passive reactor is connected to the controller, the controller will first try to measure its maximum energy output. The reactor will have its output increased step by step and the average (interpolated) maximum will be used for that value (CALIBRATING).
After calibration has been completed, the controller calculates the most efficient energy output of the reactor.

Active Reactors

When a new active reactor is connected to the controller, the controller will first try to measure its maximum steam output (CALIBRATING). For this to work correctly the reactor must be able to output at least SOME steam (read: you need a consumer) and you will need to provide sufficient ammounts of water. The controller will detect reactors with a potential steam output greater than 50 B/t and limit its energy accordingly.


When a new turbine is connected to the controller, the controller will first try to measure its maximum energy output (CALIBRATING). For this to work, make sure your turbine is built correctly. This means your turbine can be run at maximum supported steam (25mb/t per blade) without exceeding 1950 RPM. Should your turbine exceed 1950 RPM at any stage, the controller will shut down the turbine and flag it as failed.

Note: Your turbine is NOT required to be able to process 2000 mB/t. Smaller turbines work perfectly fine.


After this wall of text, here're some screenshots (pre 4.2).



Main view:


Passive reactor details:


Active reactor details:


Turbine details:


Let's go in order:

When you start up the GUI you will be presented with the main view.
Here a combined overview of passive reactors, active reactors and turbines will be presented.
You can click (or touch) on any of these items to open up a detailed view of the component.
Here you can enable/disable the component or change its behaviour.

What behaviour?

This is where it gets interesting.

Passive Reactors

You will notice that passive reactors have two modes and an "auto" mode.


This is the behaviour everyone knows: The reactor gets turned on when its internal energy storage drops below 10% and gets turned off when the energy storage exceeds 90% of it's maximum capacity.
In PWM mode the reactor will generate energy at its most efficient rod level.
Overall this mode allows the reactor to generate energy as efficiently as possible as long as your actual energy consumption is below or equal to its optimal energy output.
But sometimes you need just a bit more energy and you don't want to upgrade your reactor or build a new one. "Classic" controllers will fail to produce sufficient ammounts of energy here.

This leads me to the second behaviour:


In "Load"-mode the reactor will always aim to produce energy at the same rate as it's consumed. Maybe some people already suspect what that mode is all about: It's a PD-like regulator.
While "Load"-mode is not as efficient as PWM-mode in situations where the energy consumption is below the optimal energy output, it will guarantee you're never running into energy shortages - provided you're not exceeding the reactors maximal capacity.


"Auto"-mode aims to eliminate the disadvantages of both modes by combining them:
If the energy consumption can be satisfied with PWM-mode, PWM will be used. If the energy consumption is above optimal levels, "Load"-mode will be used instead.
As a result, "auto"-mode generates energy as efficient as possible while always saturating your energy demands.

Active Reactors

As of now, active reactors only operate in "load" mode. Steam is consumed and produced way too fast and the reactors internal steam storage does not allow for anything else.


Turbines controlled similar to reactors in "load" mode: The controller will always try to balance the turbines internal energy storage out to 50% by using a PD-like regulator.
Turbines can be operated in "ganged"-mode or in "independent"-mode, with "ganged"-mode being the default.
The only difference between these two modes is that turbines in "ganged"-mode can be shut down by the controller, while "independent" turbines will always be active, even if they overproduce energy at the lowest RPM allowed.
This is handy if one (or more) of your turbines produces energy for a seperate (dedicated) energy grid but has to be controlled by the same controller. If such a turbine is not in "independent"-mode it may be shut down which will lead to energy failure in that grid.

That's it for now. If you have any questions, want to report bugs, etc., feel free to drop a message here.

Also: Do you want an indepth tutorial on how to use the command line utility? Need a description on what the GUI is actually showing?

Have fun


1.10 Open Computers Reactor Program 2017


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